two of Montpelier Mere Mention. Royal nuke the food pure, wholesome and deilcloaa. than an ordinary fanKeleadlng epect. He has many jadge of the town offices and waQ1arruore than 30 county court for several terms years ago. He was PXiwltT whom he was outsiders whu ftn(j flrus apd patriot Montpelier, August 11, 1897.
SPECIAL SALE OF ministered a spanking. Tbe case was to have been heard by Justice Hinckley on Tuesday afternoon but was adjourned. Tbe city attorney bas taken charge of the complaints which have not been abated at tbe request of the health officer, and wilt endeavor to make their owners serve their neighbors according to the golden rule. One of the worst of these nuisances, and one that has been repeatedly complained of, is the piggery In tbe rear of tbe Union bouse. An outdoor religions service was held on Berlin side near the Nicholas' block Ifrst Sun Questions of eating are the most AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING BOYS vexing to the housewife what to eat, and where to get it are ques tions that keep providers thinking.
Careful Housekeepers Know when goods suit them, when A. D. FARWELL'S. i "Children's Pants, 25, 35, 50 and SI.OO. Suits from $1 60 upward.
Wash Suits, 25, 50 and SI. Only a few left." OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. prices are low, and when they meet square and fair dealings. We to prove to prudent people that P0VDER Puro ROYAL BAKINQ POWDER NEW YORK. on a by with seek a full line of household supplies good per cent can be saved weekly a little attention.
Few realize the way daily savings bovs. onsiy.i demol lemoj jjed- Th- "1" lu carnage were carriages somewhat Averill Th iwC.i Leonard and L. K. itse irom ct8sbar and HoUow" 10 cauo'ypaid all damages anfl "aw" park attend" airmt driving oeopitl Jrlt ed few teas than 2,000 atT3 this kind, there him- iot-oa nuuiwoi swings bmlt for suits -I'theK? muaic Tbe re. Thro wiur in porta are as follows: "one-George McLeod.
38 feet, 3 8 taSw Mleel'b inches; M.Nlcaol- MLa. feet; M. to- Alien Earle, 30 leet, 6 iect 'ilcies. uiiueis; uauies lonnou.i Buys race, if) 440 Tards-Peter tbtf W'Uta MllnefiMrth.11"' second: Yule; first Mrs. Wil-KhKsXre8eCOniii Mrs- WulaD outclass, third.
minmKh 'acc-Mrs. James Scott, flrst: Mrs. BrocK.nrst; Alloe Marianna, second; Alex. Coburn, JOyards-H. F.
Patev, flrst; Alex. Janw5 third- competition In costume Thonas McUouaid, Srst; William Troupe, second. 8, were "main earciuy, ti. u. MacUeana N.
D. Phelps. Clayton J. Kinsley acted as starter. Tbe most interesting featured" tbe day, however, for the Scotcli people was the football name between teams leprtieaung Caa Gordon ana tbe Burns cluu.
me game was nlaveri for nossesslon of tin; perpetual challenge silver trophy pre- SeOtta DV the f.lun In lh fniMhall xlacAr. nt tue city and the rivalry was great, as a large majority of lDe scotch people lo town belong tbe two organizations. In the flrst bait neuter team scotetl a uoal but the Dall had Been In play but a few minutes when the Burns club sent the leather through the piwi. mis was the only point scored, dur-Inerlhe nam Bn.l ilia iv, hii nrnc. East Barre Batch.
Joseph Goyo waa in East Barre last Sunday. Mrs. R. M. Minard was ln West Topsham last Sunday.
Sanitary Plumbing. count up. Twenty-hve cents a nay Hazen Minard ia the guest of Dr. R. M.
Min ard, bis son. Frank Yatter began running a lunch cart good sign that, and wherever you it, give heed. The plumbing ia last Monday. Preston Cross was the guest of N. J.
Morri son last Sunday. everything in a house, because if there's -r -4 PECK BROS. SANITARY PLUMBERS A 3 That's our style of work. result. Our prices are reasonable.
jig sitdinuss your the Our anything wrong about it, it may mean or somethinir worse. Have Tbe attack Is thought to bave been brought on by indigestion. She was attended by Dr. Flake. Miss Ln D.
Rowley, of Leominster, was a guest of Miss Jessie Hopkins last week and went from bere last Saturday to Montgomery for a visit. The 15-cent back team ran away on Main street laat Thursday afternoon, bat waa captured before any serious damage was done the horse or carriage. Berlin, especially near Berlin Corner, experienced the hardest shower of tbe year last Monday afternoon, though do rain tell bere. at Barre or Northfleld. Edward P.
Uuernsey, who bas been visit. Ing sir. and Mrs. E. (Guernsey, bis parents, tor the past two weeks, baa gone back his work in New York city.
Mr. and Mra. Morris Fletcher Atkins arrived borne last Saturday from Camp Watson, where they bave been enjoying the beauties ot Lake Chani plain. Bethany Sanday -school will picnic to-day Benjamin fails. The teachers and pnpiis will assemble at tbe Montpelier and Wells River railroad station at 9.46.
Mr. and Mrs. George K. Putnam are to go housekeeping September 1 in the house on Bailey avenue which Dr. C.
N. Hunt recently purchased of JR. ti. Robinson. Company and the Montpelier military band started last Monday morning at 7:30 o'clock for muster at Chester.
They will return next Saturday afternoon. A Montpelier party camping at Berlin pond enloyed a straw ride to the city last Friday evening, to attend the band concert and lawn party on Bethany lawn. Miss Gertrude Cochran, who bas been the guest of Mrs. l. F.
Clark, left last Monday lor ber home ln Grot on, and to go from there to camp wltb a party at Barnet pond. Tie mail train last Monday afternoon on the Central Vermont was over two hours late owing to tbe line being blocked by a slight accident below Concord, N. H. Miss Mary Phlnnev is to assist Miss Blanche Sparhawk, of Randolph, in a song recital to be given by Miss Sparhawk at Randolph next week Friday evening. To-day is the day that tbe bicycle bell ordinance goes into fleet.
See that you live up to the law. All ladies' wheels are now supposed to bear a bell as well as a belle. Dr. Kemp was called last Saturday to Middlesex Center, to dress Harry Chapin's right shoulder, which had been quite badly hurt by the recoil of an overloaded shotgun. The meeting of tbe city council and Berlin selectmen last Thursday evening amounted to nothing save discussion of matters at Issue and was adlourned to Monday evening.
Mrs. Lucy B. Moulton, Miss Nellie Monl-ton, Miss Julia Peck aud Miss SailieOvtatt were entertained several days last week by Mrs. red E. smith at Camp Lookout, Berlin poud.
H. A. Huse and wife are to go to-day to Chester, where muster lain progress. Mr. Huse goes at this time to attend an adjourned meeting of the trustees of the Soldiers home.
City Weigher F. Ian chard bas replaced the old Lewis scales with anew set of ten ton Fairbanks scales. The public will find this improvement both convenient and satisfactory. Among tbe snmmer guests now at the Pavilion are Mrs. Charles E.
Lex, of Philadelphia, Miss Lex and Miss Frsnces Lex, Mrs. I. H. Say lea and HlssSayles.ot Washington. D.
C. Che Montpelier Victors' went to Waterbury last Saturday aud defeated a -boy's base ball team by a score of 12 to 8. The "Victors" play an unusually good game for boys of their age. Dr. C.
Is? Hunt has purchased of Rufus Robinson tbe house occupied by the latter on Bailey avenue. Dr. Hunt bought the house for rental purposes. Possession will be given September 1. The New York Timet Illustrated magazine supplement laBt Sunday contained an excellent half tone cut from a picture showing Artist T.
W. Wood at work In his studio in the metropolis. The Atlanta University quartette from At lauta, Georgia, will give a service of spiritual songs and make brief addresses in behalf of tbe university in Bethany house next Sunday evening. The bodv of the infant daughter of Mr. and plumbing work done right and in light of the latest sanitary ideas.
patrons arc always pleased with tho All New Work Guaranteed for One Year. 60 Main Street. utr PECK BROTHERS, KEEP THIS IN MIND We are selling Men's Tan Shoes these days at more than low prices. If you need shoes take a look at them, you can save a dollar. 98 CENTS- A few pairs left of those Ladies' Oxfords.
They are bargains (small sizes). 50 CENTS Ladies' Black Opera Slippers, twelve pairs only. THEY ARE Beginning to call for our White Brand Rubber Boots. They are the best. B.
M. SHEPARD CO. State Montpelier, Vt. Three-Ply Roofing-Adapted to any kind of roof. Costs less and will outwear all other roofs.
Can ho applied by anyone. Tarred and Rosin Sized Sheathing Papers for sale at reasonable prices by F. BLASMCHARD. DO NOT BE MISLED Into buying a Monument, Headstone, or any other kind of Cemetery Work of some agent who gives you a lot of lalk about "CHEAPNESS." Nobody can give a gold dollar for ninety cents and live, but I can sell you COOD WORK as low as the lowest. Come and eeo me and you will expenses.
Louia Brooks is visiting relatives In Pom-fret. Mrs. F. M. Corry was In Jiorthueld lost Monday.
Mannce H. Brown, of Brattleboro, is at work in tbe city. Mrs. F. H.
Puffer sang in Bethany choir last 8unday morning. Jaok Roeers Is spending bis vacation at bis borne in Walden. F. B. Boylea was at lilt old borne in Cabot over last SuDtlay.
C. M. Lyon was bitten in one leg by a boar one day last week. Col. H.
K. Parker, of Bradford, was in Montpelier last Thursday. H. E. Slayton and family are enjoying au outing at Woodbury.
A regular meeting of tbe city council will held this evening. Miss Helen Prentiss, ot St. Albans, spent last week in Montpelier. Mrs. Florence Porter will go this week to Cheater for a abort visit.
Miss Anna Mayo baa returned from a month's stav In Newport. Jack Powers bas decided to close his billiard room on Elm street. J. R. and John T.
Darling, ot Grot on, were in Montpelier last Friday. George C. Wbeatley, of Boston, is a guest ot D. bis brother, nere. Ray W.
Huse went on Tuesday to Clarendon, to visit a college mate. 8weet corn raised by N. C. Tabor was lu the local market last Wedesday. Miss Hattie Nichols Is spending a week with relatives in Waterbury.
Miss Mary Fisk Is to go this week to Walts-field for a atay of two weeks. Carlos L. Smith went to Flattsburgh, N. last Monday, for a brlel stay. Miss Elizabeth Hawkins is to go this week to her home in Syracuse, N.
Y. Frank J. Dnscoll was at hla former home in St. Albans over last Sunday. Mrs.
Fred Woodward, who lives on upper Main street. Is ill wltb a fever. James Canttillon is temporarily employed in the Enterprise office at Barre. Miss Mary Reed.of Chicago, is to arrive In Montpelier next week for a visit. Misses Sarah and Louie White spent last week with relatives In Plalnfleld.
Mrs. J. W. Brock and daughter Helen left on Tuesday for an oultng at Burnet. Mrs.
J. Q.Adams Is compelled to remain Indoors, owing to a sprained ankle. Mrs. F. A.
Adams bas gone to Granville to remain during the month ot August. Miss Julia R. Peck entertained a party of her friends last Wednesday evening. Andrew J. Phillips, ot Chicago, Is In the city, a guest at Mrs.
T. P. Reuheld's. E. D.
Hyde and family spent Tuesday among tbe attractions of Woodbury. Ex-Governor Samuel E. Plngree, of Hartford, waa in the city last Wednesday. MlasMatnle Jangraw is temporarily employed In the Montpelier book store. Hiss Bertha Pratt, of Boston, Is visiting in Montpelier where atie formerly lived.
D. E. Gallagher sang tenor at the "church the Messiah" last Sunday morning. Alex. Carrow and Miss Nellie Carrow, are visiting relatives in Clintouville, N.
Y. Mra. Edgar Stoddard and two children vis. lted In Burlington a few days last week. Miss Anna McDooough, of Boston, is the guest of Miss Carrie AUard tor two weeks.
T. Allard and family came borne this week from their camping outing at Berlin pond. H. C. Gleason left last Monday to join bis wlte at Ranaomville, N.
for a few days. Mrs. E. H. Benway went last Monday to Burlington for a visit at her former home.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Shnrtleff came home last Saturday Irom tbelr trip to Saratoga, N.
Y. Mra. Charles Nutting and children, of Brandon, are visiting Mrs. E.S. Bard, her mother.
Judge J. M. Rowell and wife, of Randolph, were at the Pavilion a day or two last week. The art gallery regulations bave been printed and posted for tbe benefit of visitors. Rev.
J. Harry Ilolden, of Attleboro, la to preach in Middlesex next Sunday at 2 P. M. Mlsa Annie L. Sherburne, of Pomtret, was guest of Miss Emily Lucia over last- Sunday.
Mrs. H. W. Kemp and party came borne last Monday from their outing at Rye Beach, N. H.
Frank Pratt and family went last Saturday to Atbol, for a two weeks' vacation trip. Mlaa Dalay Lane goes tbis week to Faybans, In tbe White Mountains, for a several weeks' stay. E. B. Rhinehart, D.
D. win go next Monday to Schenectady, N. where tie is to locate. Levi H. Bixby, cashier of the Montpelier national bank, Is confined to tbe house by Illness.
Roawell Keith, of Boston, Is a guest at tbe borne ol C. H. snipmaa. Mrs. Shiptnan Is his aunt.
R. D. Blanpled came borne last Monday from hla trip to Boston and Springfield, Mass. Misses Rose and Emily Lucia are attending the summer school at Randolph this week. Arthur E.
Lane, formerly of tlitB city, now Boston, was a recent visitor in Montpelier. Misses Alice and Daisy Lowe went last Monday to Berlin pond for a stay of two weeks. Mrs. A. E.
NUes suffered last week from a severe throat trouble, but has entirely recovered. F. W. Bancroft bas been spending the past week In Portland, the guest ol G. W.
Maraton. Wallace O. Hale last Saturday moved his family from bere to Bellows Falls, where be bas work. Maj. O.
D. Clark went last Saturday to Chester for the annual militia muster there tali week. Postmaster and Mrs. A. J.
Sibley will re. nwipie nr Mrvjn on Lake Mr.ftwi Mrs. A. W. Stocumjaua Mr.Mia Mrs.
E. A. Nutt were at Queen City park over last Sunday. The Montpelier Transcript has gone tbe way of all tbe world, after an existence of luur mooiui. Mrs.
Wayne Bailey, ot Rutland, is visiting relatives In tbe city, accompauled by ber two children. C. E. Demerit, and family left for Sabln pond, Woodbury, last Monday, where they bave a cottage. A.
Dwinell. father of Hon. F. A. Dwinell, arrived Id town on Tuesday alter an extend ed western trip.
A nartv to akin fit a tour of the State on a horseless carriage oaased throuKh here on Tuesday afternoon. The Methodist ladles are to trlve a lawn party thla evening, on the parsoouge grounds on Hubbard street. Misses Florence A. Hill and Elena P. Web ster are spendinc their vacation on the shore oi Late unampiain.
Harley Cnmimns waa last Wednesday add ed to the special force In the Vermont Mutual omce ior a re aays. John Hurley is In charge ot D. 6. Field's billiard parlor while the proprietor is absent at muster inis ween. Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin C. Holmes have return ed from their wedding trip and are at their home on street. D. G.
Field bas had his billiard parlors renovated and toe tables newly covered ana put in first class order. George H. Whitney and taniily are bach: from Berlin poud, where they have been In canip ior mree weeas. It is reported that Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Stnllie are to move troui Hardwlcfc to tbis city in the near future. The sale of tickets for the Youne Men's Christian Association lecture course is pro gressing satisfactorily. A party of Montpelier young people will bold a dance at the East Montpelier village nail on inursnay evening. Mrs.
George P. Arthur oarae home last Sat urn ay irom hosi on. wnere sne Has Deen tatt ing a course or art lectures. Charles Learned, who has been a guest at H. lrew's for the past week, leit for ew lurk last Sunday night.
Maurice F. Collins went last Saturday to swanion, wnere his wile had preceded hi in. to spenu uis annual vacation. Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Learned are to go to-day to mormon, n. ior a two weeks stay among the nite mountains. The address at tbe Young Men's Christian Association service next Sunday afternoon win oe oy nev.
Auarew uiuies. Rev. William Herman Hopkins, of Pough keepsie. N. Is to preach at.
"Betbanv courcQ- on a una ay, august xm. Mark W. Beardstey bas rented Mrs. nie Marsh's new bouse on Harrison avenue and will occupy it wan bis family. The suit ot Miss Frances Erinentrout against Miss Gertrude Meiuecke bas been settled and the appeals withdrawn.
E. M. Harvey, clerk of the citv court, has en joyed a yachting trip on Lake Chauiplalu wun a coiiette menu tne past weea. 6. Stone and tamllv came home last Monday trow Lake Sun a net.
N. where they bave been tor a summer outing. The first meeting of the creditors of Town send Brothers, ot Plaiuneld, will be held at tbe probate omce here next Saturday. Mies Rose More, of Stamford. N.
and Miss Carrie More, of Hoxburv. N. are guesis at me notne or diaries it. More. Tbe insolvency proceedings in the case of n.
runer navetHen again adjourned ibis time to next Wednesday, August 18. tieorge W. Wilder has beirun the erection of a bouse on the new street, yet unnamed, to connect Fuller ton and Hubbard streets. Fred L. Eaton, formerly of this city but now of Sioux City, la has been a guest ot a.
u. baton, his brother, the past week. Dr. R. B.
Rhinehart will go next Monday to Schenectady, N. where be will ealab- nsn Dimsen in the business ol dentistry. Luclen Desaullners caught a black bass weighing seven pounds and one and one nau ounces at neriin pond last Thursday. Cant. A.
G. Karon. Charl A Kmiih 4mi L. C. Rivers and A.
J. Allard Ipavm tlita ovon ing cor amp governor ttrout at Chester, Mrs. H. M.Odell. Misses tiertrude Ilunrt and Lucie Hutcliins were In Worcester last Thursday evening to attend a lawn party.
Judge Simile, of tbe munlclnal enurt. Is aBtn a familiar figure on bis huycle bavlng I1UIU Ul MIUUIII tCIWDure OUI lllff. The ladles' Old of Christ rhnrth wfl uv new pmrisn nonse with a public tap. iTwuiiou nexi venneday evening. I.
C. Tewksborv bas return, to th -iiw from his father's home In Worcester, but has since been confined lo tbe bouse bv a severe cold. The Ladles' Guild Ot Christ Church htiru oivd from Prot. J. A.
DeRoer a check for to go toward furnishing the new parUb The Central Vermont railroad will ran no special train to the annual nulltla muster this year nor will it sell special rate tickets to Chester. Charles A. Smith was at Camp Lake Park ob Lake Mempbretnagng over last Sunday wltb bis family, which is there with a Barre street party. Miss Evelyn Barns was in Wells River, Bradford and Ttlton, IS. last week and this week has gone for a trip to Kew York And Montreal.
Miss Harlett Silver, of Boston, and Miss Jennie Silver, wbo bas been for a short stay in nancnesier, n. t. are expected borne the Itvst of the week. The road roller met a hvilravnt nt th romitr ot State and Kim vtreets oo Tuesday. The hydrant waa no match fur the monster and at once succumbed.
T. F. Colton went lasl Wednesday to I'ly- mouth, K. for a few days' stay and from there went to Danville, Where his father and mother are stay log. Gen.
J. H. Lucia, chairman of tbe board of school directors, Is to go to Randolph to-day to visit briefly the Orange county summer school for teacher. Mrs. a ruest at tbe F-xcbange, was taaen suddenly ill last Friday and death was momentarily expected for an hour, but attar that she rallied aad recovered rapidly.
to or to at a 'ni-nmS among acquainted and has "Jf1 ftnd owned honorable lite. He was a uJfaas been of the largest lQr quftr. unable to do mUCVrfwa a wife and lour ter of a century. ipflrHn Warren, 01 children. The latter are Ferrin 1 Berlin, Frederics: rjwight ral held oi Monday afternoon irom late home.
The selectmen of the Wjrnoi the that they have runy aec.uo "SJ-rir- brlage electric railroad to cross the -Voia under any conaiiion, bridge company Should oer PU "7,, there entire. Thereaaon they the town wants the bene wh en wuio river, tne oeriiu They would like to haye "i acn ooroe down en.u -mmise by bridge, hut are Wining at it to nrnss on new "eu anuTT 1 tig i- snens ui Charles more ri Berlin win some point in that vicinity and Ber.jn wi probably be willing to 1W, the anew bridge there. On the otber Bnd the Montpelier city council thinks that conces sions enough have been grantea to trie railroad company crossing shall be bridge owing to me Aiompener eitenrt to that nolnt on this the river which would feel the benem o. transponaLiuu TinW general bears out the ulerroe" th ond nt the controversy la not yet. ....1 aitded to the Kel osKHnbbard library this month are "The J- n- Rook of Snort," bv D.
o. ot Nineteenth Century Literature," by George can Land and Letters." by PonaUVsG. Mlt- -un. nraoh nrlnn." OV nuiiw uueu, -rtWn Wharton; "Myths and egenus o. ianu." uv tuaiios im.
0 iini.a tu ti Kit lie FOUlSSOn i uo Fairyland of Flowers," by Mara L- "au, "Prince Little Boy," by 8. Weir Ml cbell. 'Phrons DDer Dy aiarKi AiiAn' "TTnrter Orders" and three other SlOneS, UY IVll m-ffrtVl bones," "The Fortunes oi rouy and "Woodle Thorn's Pilgrimage," oy u. x. Trowbridge; "The Oriel Window," try airs.
stories quaintly illustrated, edited by Grace Rhys; "The Hose ot Yesterday," uv Marion tjrawiora; mree uiuio. R. Jerome: seven by Alexandre uumas, Ur-h Bw4a nf th. I I.V eili wm "Threft MilllonR." bv William T. Adams, lE.n.l (n)lk.
aw KallamV 1 llU hood of Famous Authors," by William m. Rldeing; "The Abbe oy iakio- vick Haievy; -rne iteiaiion oi Lite." Dud lev Warner: "The will tna.ltav."hn William "The liurg lnr who Moved Paradise," by Herbert Ward "How to Listen to Music," Dy K. KreilDiet; -uncle rjernac, uy Dovle: "ShalresDaare, the Boy," by wiiiiam .1 la- nr.Mha In Wftr Time." UV Huniinir Davis: "The Landlord at Lion Head," by W. D. Howells; and "One Man who was Content," by Mrs.
Schuyler Rensselaer. Babre Bundle. Z. H. Grlswold, ol Mori'isvllle, was In town this weea.
William Mason ofTopsbam, was in the citv on Tuesday. Clifford Cate has moved from Pearl stteei to Prospect street. John Tlmmons bas moved to a tenement on South Main street. t)r. Fox has moved into the Whltcomb bouse at North Barre.
Mrs. Franfc McWhorter and children are visiting in Brookfleld. Mrs. L. G.
Burnham, of Burlington, is vis ltlng at L. J. Towne's. J. E.
Milne Is ln Montreal, where lie went for medical treatment. John Corliss bas begun running a stage be tween Barre and Chelsea. Perlev Chandler is spending ten days at bis former none ui tjneisea. Mm. P.
Carver, ot North Barre, is spending tbe week in Salem, Mass George W. Lang accompanied tbe Spencer Kines to musier, as vuuik. A daughter was born last Sunday to Mr. and jurs. u.
ruonurusuu. Peter Abbott has begun the erection of new bouse on Newton street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rlcnards are home from northern trip into canaaa.
Minn Mvrtin Walker visited relatives In Waterbury over last Sunday. nenn P. Townelsenioying a weea'8 vaca tion horn tbe National ouiik Dr. H. L.
Gale went to nighgate Springs last Thursday lor a auorL vacation Miss Dean Moffat, evangelist, of Albany N. waa in tbe city last Monday Luther Griawold Is building, a house on Berlin street forGranger Brothers. rv. William P. Jackson was last week the guest of Kev.
s. Jackson, uis tamer. n. Tnvntnr A tlo. have added a new foot derrick to their quarry on the hill.
Mra n. r. Matbewson went last week to Old Orchard, to remain two weens, Miss Mvrtie Pike, of North Craftsbury, 18 visiting Mrs. Frank Kenerson, her aunt. Trnw Vias been elected assignee of the Insolvent estate of William A.
israaioru. Mi a. C. S. Currier went last Wednesday to Meredith, N.
lor a stay ot two weeks Mlna Ada J. Sharburn went to Randolph last Monday to attend the snmmer scuooi. Mra. Marv Grlswold visited last week at the home of her paients in South Hoyaiton A. has moved With his family to Montpelier, where he will work at nia traae, Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Clark are home after two weeks' stay with relatives at Wolfsboro, Messrs. Butteruian and Gilbertson this week accompanied the Montpelier band to muster.
(ieorga C. Wbeatley and family, ox Boitoti II. orfl it nc at me uouie uwb- Wheeler. Ambrose Batcheider has moved to a tene raent in Mrs. VV.
Warley's bouse on sum- eallli'Tij Bu Kington to see be anie there last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page went last Saturday to Portsmouth, N. beach for a Btay ot two weeks or more.
Mrs. C. O. Foster, wbo has been vis i tine in Barre. will ho back on Tiiuradav to ber borne in Exeter, N.
H. Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson, ot Canan- daigua, N. are guests in Barre at the home of J.
P. Corskie. Mias vtolft ia to leave to-dav for a trip through northern Vermont and the Pro vince oi yueoec. f. N.
ranger. Henrv Flint and John Wal lace were in Burlington last Monday attend ing the ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Cellev attended the Christian Alliance convention at Old Orch ard, last week.
The eiaht.Year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlihi. of River Btreet, died last Sun day from diphtheria. MIbs Mamie Graham, who has been visit ing in North Barre, went back tbis week to ner nome in ireacuam.
There is a slitrht diphtheria scare in the city owing to two cases which bave been re ported on Kiver street. Mrs. H. H. Merrill, of Strafford, was the guest ot Dr.
and Mrs. O. H. Reed last week, going back last Monday. Mrs.
E. E. Hall, of Seattle. is in town, and contemplates coming to Barre to live aud educate her sons. Miss Ethel Csrswell is employed as steno grapher in tbe omce ot w.c.
lownsnena wholesale granite dealers. The families of V. E. Ayers and W. Jones returned from Berlin pond last Saturday, where they have been in camp.
Frank L. Smith, of Barre. and Miss Nora Ashllne. of South Barre, were married last Saturday by Kev. J.
A. Sherburne. Fred Jones, of the firm of Carter bakers, New York, is ln Barre, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Jones, his parents.
Tbe Congregational Christian Endeavor society last Sunday evening held a service in honor of the late Miss Myrtle Pape. The granite business is the best that it bas been tor more than a year, and the best for several years for the hot weather season. The firm name and property of tbe Eclat Granite company has been sold to J. Hlngman, who will continue tbe business at the same location Miss Alice Thurston is in St. Johnsbury to attend the summer school for teachers.
A number of Barre teachers are attending the school at Kanaoipb. The Cuban Giants did not play in Barre on Tuesday afternoon as they were advertised. Manager worm an received a teiegram iu me morning canceling tue game. K.Bnah.W. C.Olds.S.S.
Ballard. W. Kooit and N. D. Phelns went from Barre last Fridav to attend the outing 01 tueiiSQ ana (jiame league at xsie jua wuu.
Cant. Dodd's trooo of cavalry from Fort p.tban Alien naased through Barre last Satur day forenoon, on its way to Portland, to attend me ew tngiauu iair iuru. Burr Lion and wife, of Torrlngton, are guests at the home ot W. 0. Nye.
Mrs. Liion lormeriy uvea, in uarre oui uuu uut been ln town for more than 30 years H. Sawver bas given up his office In Gor don's block and moved his office furniture and instruments to his bouse, u. t. awasey has moved bis law business to V- A.
Boyce's offlne. A visiting show hand was pressed into ser vice ou Tuesday morning to meet the Barre base ban team on its return irom nuningion after the notable victory there last Monday afternoon. JudeTown, a farmer living on the west hill, was thrown from from his horse rake one day last week, and the small bone of bis right leg was broken, tie was attenaea Dy ur. cuanaier. Dr.
Lanse. a graduate this vear from the medieAl deuartmeut of tbe U. V. is to lo cate in Barre. making, it is said, over 2u nhvsicians who now nave omses in town ne nas tasen rooms wim a.
itaic, uu Maple street. Drs. C. F. Camp and W.
D. Reid last week brought suit against Henry and David Quim-bv to recover 10 each for medical attendance on tbe lather of tbe defendants several years ago. The case was beard by Judge Barney in city court. J. W.
Gordon and R. A. Hoar appeared for tbe plaintiff physicians and a M. Harvey and E. W.
Bisbee for the defend ants. The arguments were not finished until 11 o'clock at night and Judge Barney reserved his decision Mrs. A.J. Wbltcomb gave a family party last Thursday Kith birthday oi Mrs. jr.
u. smaiiey. About other reia tives and friends were present. At six o-cioca a bountiful sapper was served by Mrs. uiucuuiu, mhibiuu oy airs, anow ana Airs.
Kdith Richardson. The birthday cake was mane oy sirs, ixuriey. a niece of Mrs, brn alley, and was cut and served by Mrs 8 ma I ley. she was the recipient of many neauuiui nowers and other gifts, among them being a birthday book from Mrs. A.
P. Braley, In which each guest wrote their name ana age. inose irom out of town were Mrs. Dodge and Mrs. Jobonnott.
ot Montpelier, and Mrs. Hosmer, ot Chicago. The oldest person present was Mrs. c. P.
Fisher, 86 ruu nas iiveu iu iowu over su years. The location of tbe letter boxes la to be corner Quarry and South Main streets, corner Aver miii ana south Main street. No. 70 and South Main street. nonta-iAlc mmnr VAm and North Main streets, Depot square, also paper niiu parcet uui, corner oeminary and norm Main streets, corner Maple avenue and North main sireei.
corner silver and North Main streets, corner second and North Main streets corner Berlin and Fobs. Granite street bridge, corner Falrvlew and Prosoect. cor ner Maple and Harrington avenues, Uoddard enjuiary, i mere nan i street, corner park anu a ten streets, corner Park and Kim Biiwjut, comer street and Kastern ave nue. corner ferry and Wiuhifiatnn stni corner Richardson and WuhintrtAn at corner tiiii and vt aeblogtoa streets, and cor uci vamp aim rtasuiugtoa tree is Messer ft Bum barn's team ran awav last Thursday afternoon from the rear ot tbfcir store, where it was left standing. It is sup- iiw uwnw was irigoteuea oy some an rati- ior crockery, tie nome ran np main street as far as Warren Colby store, where It cleared Itself from the crate, with which it was tangled, and collided with several teams tn a bun oh there, overturning the wagon of Fred Robins and throwing out ed an 1 Papers Sent out of the State In slnl wrppTc will always be stop-M-d at the expiration of the time paid for.
unless special arranite-ment Is mad to the contrary. No name will be put upon thrUst for ft paper to be sent out of theSute If not para iw in ni.mnce. mi ia wuw own ic- ceivtD paper tn a single wrapper man renew pay rcem in i advance, tf ibe continuance of the paper Is BUSINESS MERE MENTION'' NOTICES. "Business Mere Mentions.1 occupying the mort fromineut position In the paper, will be Inserted for ') cents per line, with no charjre lor leA Ulan fire lines. All notices of meetings, lectures, society nje-tltitfS.
entertainments, resolutions of respect, and cverythlnjc of that nature, will be charged for. JSo free advertising. THE MERCHANT Who neglects to advertise in the Akqus and Patriot simply neglects to avail himself the very best mean by which to secure the attention of the purchasing pobllc. Every business man In Mont-peller knows that this is a tact. Business Mere Mention.
1 It will be at Opera house Sept. 10. O. H. Hale, Auctioneer, Barre, 1 Wanted.
Two good oil salesmen. Toble Refining Cleveland, O. 38-40 A good girl wanted for geueral housework. Good wages paid. Call at 23 Bailey avenue, city.
For Sale or to Kent. Nine room house, with all modern improvements. Sibley Kemp. 23tf For Sale Cheap. One one-horse dump cart in good condition.
E. E. Hills, 4i East Liberty street. 1 The finest line of fancy pickle and canned meat for picnic parties. Prices always right.
Brooks Berry. It will be at Opera house Sept. 10. Every one having a breach and want it cured should write with stamp for reply to A. B.
Dugar, Worcester, Vt. 1 Wanted. A competent cook at the Heatou hospital at once. Apply at the hospital or to Mrs. C.
H. Heaton, 143 State street. BUILDING LOTS FOB SALE on Barre street, Foster avenue, College, Edward and Summit Easy terms. C. S.
Hubbard. 37tf. Dance at Van Ornain's hall, Maple Coruer. Calais, Tuesday evening, Aug. 17, 1897.
Music, Jacobs and Van Oruam. Full bill, 1. Special Sale for Saturday, Acgcst 14, '97. 300 yds. all linen 18 in.
unbleached crash, worth for 6c. per yd. One day only. A. E.
Niles 24 State Montpelier, Vt. I have put on a first-class public carriage about the city, price within reach of all, onlv 15 cents. All orders left at Welch's livery. Orders 4y telephone promptly attended to. Jake Galanskv.
37 tf It will be at Opera house Sept. 10. For sale. Thirty new carriages at cost, consisting of top buggies, road wagons. Concord wagons, Surreys, express wagons, one-horse and two-horse lumber wagons.
George Wheeler. 35tf 1 Waterbury Fair, September 7, 8 and 9. The attractions will be better than ever before. Eight hundred dollars offered in prizes for trotting. Balloon ascension, magnificent floral display, good music, special attractions of various sorts.
Reduced rates on the railroads. The trotting events will be of the usual high class, and the management is sparing no effort to sustain the reputation of this fair. Situations wanted for girls for housework, second work, governess, cooks, clerks, typewriters, bookkeepers, shop work, also male help, any situation. List constantly increasing. Just got au inquiry from a "Magic King and specialty artist," who wants "A young man good looking good singer ami banjotst with an old shabby stovepipe hat and a white ves.t," and a young lady, "Must be handsome, good form and a good vocalist dancer and organist with a short piuk or light blue dress with a good character to be used in singing, etc.
Past experience In the show business unnecessary." Have also enquiries for tenements and moderate price houses. Full particulars at the Real Estate and Intelligence office of Martin W. Wheelock. A Card. I have just received a complete line ot the improved Knickerbocker Shoulder Brace for men, women, boya and girls.
The cheapest and only reliable combined brace and sua. ender In toe market. and examine inem. i.estkb a. (vrkkne, Druggist Dr.
R. C. Flower Boston, mass. XR- R. C.
FLOWER to make a professional trip through Ver mont. The many patients of Dr. R. C. Flower will be glad to know that he has arranged a professional visit through the State of Vermout, as follows Newport, Meniphreniagog house, Monday, Aug.
23. St. Johusbury, St. Jobusbury house, Tuesday, Aug. 24.
W. Raudolph, Red Lion Inn, Weduesday, Aug. 25. Moutpelier, Pavilion hotel, Thursday, Aug. 26.
St. Albans, American house, Friday, Aug. 27. Waterbury, Waterbury hotel, Saturday, Aug. 28.
Burlington, Van Ness hotel, Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 30 and 31. Vergennes, Stevens house, Wednesday, Sept. 1. Rutland, Berwick hotel, Thursday aud Friday, Sept.
2 and 3. There is no physician in the United States better known than Dr. R. C. Flower.
His cures are so numerous, and ofteu of such a miraculous nature that many writers have claimed that many of his cures were miracles. Dr. Flower's ability to tell a patient his disease without asking a question, is as well established as that Dr. Flower lives. This Montpelier visit of the Doctor will anord an excellent opportunity to many to consult this eminent specialist close to their homes.
Boston's Wonderful Healer. J. BARBR1CK IS QOICKXT CtTKIMO THE SICK. A RKMARKABUt SCIENCE AID What it Does fob humanity. The celebrated Boston healer and ape clallst, now making a tour ot Vermont, will be at ttie Montpelier bouse.
Montpelier. Vt-, for one week only, Monday. August 9, to and uiciuiiiiim: rsaturtiav. ana win render an meu leal services lo all who call on him during this visit free of charge. It Is said that the wnudeiful cures trade by this marvellous piiy.iolan and healer nave attracted toe attention ol thousands of people In every walk ot lite, and to-day Dr.
J. Fraser Barbrtck la endorsed by both press and public. He Is a thoroughly eduoated physician and surgeon and Is the only graduate physician lu the world conjoining tue elements 01 mental anti magnetic healing with the science and art in medicine and surgery. Tola eminent physi cian huh umier win surprise TOO oy OIB wonderful diagnosis, bts clear, concise explanation of your disease; Its cause and street. It la claimed for bun that simply by a touch of the band and the application ol his treatments the deal are made to hear, the lame to walk ami thesu-oalled Incurable sufferer la cured and erfect manhood and womanhood Is attained.
The doctor treats alt diseases, and those who are sunerttig should call on ptmaionce. East Moutpelier Etchings. Miss Cora Lewis Is visiting In Barre. Miss Emma Foster has been entertaining anas Alice tsiaucnard. H.
Lee Templeton and family are Id camp at vtootioury mis week. George II. Dlx and wife are relolclng over toe oirtu 01 a tittle uauguter. C. F.
Dudley and family returned last Sat urday irom an outing at Berlin pond. Miss Ellen Hathaway, of Barre, Is taking a vacation in tne place ana tu naioneia. Mrs. Moses Rivers has a daughter an.t two cniitiren. irom Hurungton, visiting ber.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corry. wltb two naugnier, viatteu at con. Bptoyd last sun nay.
Mrs. Elmer "Prague recently entertained ber brother and bis wlte aud child from Cam den, N. H. Clark Sibley has so tar recovered from hit injuries as to be able to sit op lor a short linn- eacn aay. Mtss Martba BsUock.
ot sfontpeller, bas been visiting Ebn Lewis, ber cousin, and otners in town. Almnn Worcester, of St. Lonts. la vis- ltlng Mrs. George Huntington, bla sister, and other relatives in town.
Mr. Lee la visiting Mr. Alec. Jarvls, bis aaugmer. tie came irom Knaisna, ana ex.
pecte to spend a year in thla country. Stanley Jones and family and Mrs. Etta Wheeler, all ot Montpelier, were at the home ol O. D. Jones, their tatber, last ouoaay.
L. T. allory went to BrookfleM last Sat. ttrday, where Mrs. Mallory bas been quite ill.
He boped sbe would be so fax recovered as to return wttn mm. Kast Calais Crumbs. Rev. II. 6.
HartweU. of Cabot, preached last Sunday afternoon. Mary Dwinell bas been spending the past two week 10 ciauauury. Paul George and Mr. Clara, bit mother, of Boston, are visiting at Albert George i.
Miss Alma Leonard (s taking ber osnal snmmer ontlng at Queen City Fsrk. SoillDs-ton. A. Pwlnell Is expected borne from Califor nia this week, aud Mrs. Dwinell goes to Pierre, 8.
1., to visit Mrs. C. C. Bennett, bar daughter. Many of tbe farmers bave finished tbelr Haying, out tiiere is miii uucn grmw kuq-.
Ing that some farmers would consider al most worthless. A nartv consisting of Mr. and Mrs. L. L.
phii lir. inA Mrs. Gale. Mr. and Mrs.
C. .1. Lamb. Mr. and Mrs.
G. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bancroft, Mrs. W.
D. Peck, Buy Bancroft and lady, D. D. Lamb and lady and C. E.
Bliss went into camp at Kelson pond last Friday. be ot a of day afternoon. The meeting was planned by Dr.Seayer, wbo was assisted by Secretary Thorpe, Bruoe McDonald, Thomas Dewey, G. P. Stearns, and D.
E. Gallagher. The sf'Tv'ce was very successful and another will be held there next Sunday If the weatber will permit. Arthur L. Weeks, of St.
Albans, deputy internal revenue collector, bas been ln the city this week making preparations ior a descent on a tobacco factory at St. Johnsbury where cigarettes are made. Tbe new tar I tf law has increased tbe internal revenue tax on the manufacture ot cigarettes, and these little nuisances have in consequence increased ln price. Tbe trap shooting tournament ol be Inter state association is to be held with toe Montpelier Gun club oo its grounds Wednesday and Thursday, August 25 and 26. The club Is making special arrangemeuts for tbe entertainment of visiting sportsmen, and tbe affair will be a pleasant one.
There are to be 10 events eacn day and the local club bas added $200 in cash to the regular prizes in these events. The Bethany and Baptist Christian En. deavor societies and the Ep worth League held a union service last Sunday evening at the Methodist vestry, at which time report of tbe recent international Epwortb League convention at Toronto were made. A report written by Mrs. Sherburne was read by Mrs.
A. E. Niles, and one by Rev. W. R.
Davenport, of Barre was read by Kev. Mr. Gillies. Miss Mamie Trorablee has been at tbe Heaton hospital recovering from the etfeots of an injury received by beiug thrown from a oarriuge while away on her vacation at Haverhill, N. where she and iss Charlotte Ropes were for a snort stay last week.
They were standing op in a vehicle when the horse started and threw her out backwards. Miss Ropes was not injured. She was able to leave the hospital on Tuesday. James Quinn is minus one finger on his left hand as tbe result ot an accident last Wednesday. He was in tbe employ of the electric railroad company and was at work unloading rails from the cars for distribution along the line of tbe mad.
He got one hand caught between two rails and several tinge ib were partially crushed and one of them so badly that Dr. Hunt, wbo attended him, thought it best to amputate tbe finger. Berlin side was much stirred last Monday evening over a reported rape case on that side of the river. Tbe case proves not to bave been rape but what under the Vermont law is "assault with intent to commit rape." The victim was a seven year-old Guy girl. Her assailant, who is unknown, took undue liberties with her person as well as being guilty of indecent exposure of bis He wss followed by Frank Wedge and George Sanborn, but escaped without revealing his identity.
Tbe R. C. Bowers Granite company is to give the granite polishers ot Montpelier, and Barre and vicinity, a Rhode Island clam bake at Caledonia park next Saturday afternoon, which will probably be an enjoyable occasion for all who participate. The services of a professional clam baker from Providence, R. have been secured, and the bivalves will undoubtedly be luscious.
It is intended that every mill owner and polisher shall be present. A large tent will be erected for use in case of rain, and athletic sports will be indulged in during the afternoon. A special meeting of tbe city council and Berlin selectmen was held last Monday evening, at which it was voted to give the contract for the abutments of the new Berlin bridge to the Vermont Construction company, as Ward Douglass, to whom it was previously awarded, bave failed to come to time and sign a contract. The work which will be done bv the cubic yard of masonry Is estimated to cost about $4,000. A committee composed of Mayor Guernsey, Aldermen Eat oo and Jangraw and Selectman Worcester was appointed to draw up a contract.
The A rods and Patriot last week contained 186 Items of Montpelier news. The iVatchman, Issued the same day, had 93, or two more than half as many. The Free Press for tbe week ending last Wednesday printed 67 Montpelier Items, and all the ie, save three or four, re-appeared in the Watchman, while of the 186 local news items in the akgus and Patriot over 120 were printed exclusively in this paper. If anybody wants the news of tbe city of Montpelier they can get it only through tbe columns of the Akgus and Pat biot, as the average almost Invariably is the same. A party of Montpelier gentlemen have char tered tbe yacht Marquita for a trip next luesday and Wednesday.
The party num bers about 30 and will leave Montpelier luesday monnng on the 2:00 train for Bur lington. At the Queen City they will goon board tbe yacht and run down the lake and Richelieu river to St. Johns, and there board the train for Montreal. They will spend Tuesday nfcibt in Montreal, leaving there Wednesday morning by the same route and will reach Montpelier that night on the midnight express. David P.
Ring bas been engaged as caterer and all the meals will be serveu on Doara tbe boat. Tbe contract for lighting the Heaton hos pital having expired some time ago the trustees called for bids for lighting the building, and as the only one put in was by J.S. Vileshe will undoubtedly be awarded the contract. The building was lighted by the Consolidated Lighting company the past year, free of ail expense to the hospital, and when their year expired it was stated that Mr. Viles would do likewise.
He, however, refused to do the lighting on those terms, the result being that bids were called for. There are those who are of the opinion mat me trustees, unner tue circ*mstances, should not bave asked for bids. The lawn party given last Friday evening Dy ine uuptist ana uetiiany unrisuan endeavor societies on Bethany-lawn was a success from every point of view. The attend, ance waa as large as the grounds would accommodate, the concert by the band could hardly have been improved uoon. the re freshments were of the best and everybody mi eti iu itv iooa Lime, rne illumination of the rounds was orettv and strikintr.
Eiectrlo lights and Japanese lanterns were used with effect. Tbe electric light fixtures were nut tin at hia own expense bv Georie H- Almon and the lighting was given bv J. S. viles. All tne ice cream and other tables were sold.
Nfxrlv tcnu someinmoT a snag in 11s desire to run tne line across the pioneer bridge Tue Mont- teller authorities are willing to allow tbe road to be hunt over the Monipeuer part 01 tue onage, out me tteriin. selectmen insist mat tue structure is not safe and that the bridge must be rebuilt if it is used ior the oars. Tbe railroad company would like to cro98 as far down this way as posnible and has offered to pay one-third the expense of a new nringe at or in tne vicinity 01 cnaries Street. This oucht to aimnlifv matter a croori deal, for with the agreement in force, for a footbridge, the cost of a team bridge will be comparatively little more if the railroad pays one R. W.
Warren's milk delivery wagon was left in front of Stone Brothers' market last baturdav forenoon hitched to a heavv iron weignt. nue tne team was standing there the steam roller came down School street and frightened the horse. The animal start ed to run but the weight prevented much progress except in a circle. The circular motion was so lively, uowever, mat tne wagon took on the appearance of an an i mat ed pin wheel until Anally the horse twisted iiseu out 01 me narness ano me wagon collapsed bottom up. Tbe wagon and harness were considerably mutilated and the milk cans were badly lammed but the other re Bults were not serious as the horse was captured as soon as it cleared Itself from the wagon.
The Montpelier Military band will return next Saturday from muster and that even ing will give a public concert ln Armory nan to wnicn tne puuiio win be welcomed. Tbe band will number over 30 pieces and tbe concert will be one ot its best, special extra talent has been engaged from Montreal, Bos ton, Burlington and other places. Tbe extra piaverB are j. a. i-ioman, nuie ana piccoio; A.P.Derby, W.
F. Randall, E. A. Steady, clarionets; J. Brad Edson, William Jeffer eon.
trombones: Sig. acq Kenaventia and Pigeon, saxophones; J. Rockefeller, fitt bass: Oscar Brandt. flat bass. The pro oeeds of the entertainment are to go toward defraying the expenses of the band while at muster, as they will spend at least $100 more man tney receive.
President W. P. Manley. of the Security oans, 01 sioux uitv, wnose vis it to the city this week is noted elsewhere in this paper, was ln conference on Tuesday at id. w.
iieaton's omce with the local stockholders of the institution, of which he is president. The capital stock ot the bank. wnicn lscapitanzed at, has oecorae impaired by losses that comptroller regies nas oraerea tne stocEnoiuers 10 matte up tne losses, in order tu put it on a sound basis if It is to continue in business. This amounts to an assessment of 50 cents on a dollar of tbe stock, 32,700 of which is held Montpelier and vicinity, and thestockhold ers are given until September 13 to pay the assessment. Atter the conference with Mr.
Manley the general impression was that the assessment will be paid. A mock game of basket ball will be played next Friday evening at tbe Yonng Men's uoristian oy tue "Kubes" and the "Rachels," who will be in rustic cos tume. Considerable amusem*nt ouicht to re sult from theii enertretlc efforts to olav ball. rue "new woman" win be miiy represented and in their competition witu tbe "old men it Is hoped they will prove victorious. If the attendance at other ball games is any crite rion it will pay those wbo intend witnessing this, the most ludicrous ball game ever played in the local gymnasium, to be present soon after the doors are open, so as to secure a gooa seat, a grapuopnone win aiso sing and speak, and this will ensure no waits or dismal pauses.
An exhibition game of bas- ket bail win be played later by two picked teams. The doors are open at 7.30, game commencing at 8 o'clock. Montpelier sent her full auota to the big Fish and Game league banquet at Isle La Motte last Friday, and all came home fully satisneo tnat it was tne most emovanie ex oursion In which they ever participated. Tbe party left here st 8:55 Friday morning and got home on tbe 12 :40 train that night, save a lew wno stopped over to spend Saturday in Burlington. Among those who went (rora here were L.
Bart Cross, J. W. Brock, Frank A. Dwinell, Frank D. Dewey, c.
s. Whlttier, Dr. C.E. Chandler, Dr. D.G.Kemp.
Dr. C. fc. Corbin, W. E.
Terrill, F. W. Morse, George At sins, u. arweif a. if.
rarweu. w. Hrock, George Kbie, c. A. Lang.
w. E. Laird, George H. Almou, J. niccuen, c.
Lowe. Lvnn B. Brooks. L. H.
Greene, B. Shepard, L. H. Bixby, E. D.
Hyde, H. M. Cutler, R. C- Bowers. E.
A Nutt, Georve A. Peck, ueorge L. iicnois, a. j. ooison ana 11.
Kemp. T. J. Deavitt last Thursday made a formal aemand on r.A. uwinen ior tue property, books and accounts of the Montpelier Hard ware company, which Mr.
Dwinell refused, pending an order of the court and a decision of the bill In chancery which be brought last June to have his asslgneeshlp established and declared legal by the court. Tbe case was never more than partially heard and Mr. Dwinell believes that he would be liable if he should give up the property without court order of some kind. Tbis is the first case ot the kind that ever came before the Vermont courts so there Is no precedent to follow, nere win be no personal aimonitv of any kind in the matter, and as soon as tbe oourta decides which assignee is qualified to act be will go on with tbe business and the other will withdraw. Tbe case la to have a besrtng today before Judge Rowell at Randolph, and the principals and their attorneys win leave ior tnere tnis morning.
The nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daniels was crippled for life last Thursday forenoon as the result of an accident, the more to be deplored it Is so common. The lad, like many another, had a habit of trvlng to climb on the cars when they arsswitching in toe local ireiKtit yard, 'ine railroad em ployestryin vain to keep the boys oft the cars, but It is an absolute Impossibility. Master Daniels was at the Montpelier and Wells River station wb a freight pulled out of the yard and he essayed to climb on toll and ride up to his home on Putnam street.
He failed to reach a footinir on a car and dropped between two. One leg was run over btwr-n the knee and ankle and tbe other toot was crunnwi. tie was picked up and hurried 10 the hospital. Dr. C.
E. Chandler was summoned and with the assistance of Drs. Hi bee and McGulre amputated the leg which was merely hanging bv shreds of flesh and al(H a part of the foot which was crushed. 1 ne iai is now doing well. Judge Abel K.
Warren, one nf tbesnbstaii Hal men ot Berlin, died suddenly last Friday afternoon at cioca.aged years, tie had been ill with pnermrma bnt was thought to be nearly recovered and death was due to near. lauure. tie was a native of Berlin, where b.e has spent his life and won more age. C. F.
Smith, Of West Topsham, waa in town last Thursday and Friday. Grearson Brothers expect to complete their new stoue Bbed this weea. Lyman Brown, of Bradford, has opened an insurance office ln theOpera house block, irihn.r.tin nnd wile are mourning tbe death of all their children within the last two weeks. m-rhv the new stacre driver from East Barre to West Topsham, made his first trip last Monday. -KrinAabrina.
who nas been in in ew Hampshire for the last three weeks. was able to return last Fridav. Mr. Pelkev's horse ran away on Main Thurndav morning, breaking tbe harness and wagon but doing no other dam People do not oblect to a civil dance now then, but when they end np ln street rights at tbe midnight hour, they become a uisance. Will.
Goodrich, Charles Wolcott, Frank ninfrv nnd Charles Cochran are digging a cellar for a dwelling house for B. M. Harvay Montpelier. South Randolph Revkie. Mrs.
Will Hyde is ill. Miss Nina Pearey Is attending the summer school at Randolph Miss Carrie Paine is attending the orange county summershool. Mr. and Mrs. Slack, of South novation, aie guests at C.
L. Kelsey's. The Ladies' Aid society of nasi nanuoipu met at Mrs. H. P.
RiCord's last xuuisuay. Dr. Kugene Green and family of Massachusetts, are visiting George Green, his father. West Bolton Blocks. Mertle Pease has been quite ill.
ti nhnri.h" ivnnlfl had a rilonio ln W. Streeter's woods last week Tuesday. Mrs. W. H.
Stevens and children have been visiting at C. W. Barneys in otieiuuiuo past week. Rev. Mr.
Bingham, of Underbill, preacuea tbe school house last Sunday ln exchange with Rev. G. Sanborn. Scrofula Eruptions Little Cirl the Victim of Impure Blood Suffered Intensely Until Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured. "When three months old, my little daughter had eruptions on her face.
I was obliged to keep her hands tied at night and it was necessary to watch her during the day. She would scratch her-selt whenever she had the chance, until her clothes would be covered with blood. We concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because 1 had great faith in it, and after awhile, we could see that she was getting better. People often asked 'How did that child burn her and they said she would certainly be left with scars, but she was not. It is now a year since she was cured by Hood's SarBapariUa and her face is as smooth and white and soft as that of any child." MBS.
WlLBUB Wklm, Warren, Conn. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists, fl; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood Lowell, Mass.
are the best after-dinner HOOd FlllS pills, aid digestion. 26c. The Marketsjhe Past Week. Montpelier niarset shows stagnation and itlsal-aoll Impossible to dispose of farm produce lor prices anv way respectable. QuotatlonB on Tuesday for Butter were ll13c, seline price beinp l4lbc.
per lb by the rub. Print butter sells at about 17c. per while dealers pay 16c. per lb. for a arst-class hnimwllE tSita.
Dealersare payluirUc. per fo. for aud forisc. a ner bushel: laying price $1. Cheese bv retailers, wnosoia rear so in Tor aciuwriDroynie barrel, and 5ic.
in small qnantities. Family Flour sold for S5.0uS5.25 per barrel; Bprlng patents tor Winter paients. 0.i. torn awsow. per Dunnes Meal6570c, p2r Bran 60f70c.
fine middlings 7080; Oats 28ft32c. per bush. Cotton seed meal Gluten Meal7680. Bananas and oranges sold for 9535c per doz. lemons at 35c.
per cabbatre 4c. per new table apples 15c. per cucumbers 4 cents each; eiririfj oeans, oc. per quart; oeeia, uer ptti. tomatoes, 10c.
per "Watermelon 3c. per pound; green peas, 40c, per peck; peaches. per blueberries, 15c. per quart; California phmis. 10r20c.
per dozen! white Russian turnips. 10c. quart; new potatoes. 30c. per peck; Bartlett pears.
2s60c. per doz: cantelopea, 10'J2Sc. each; currants. oc. per raspuernes per ui.
bwc.l pmoiv, 4 lbs. for aweet corn, 20c. per blackberries, 15c. per qt. The prevailing prices for butter and other articles of country produce at Waterburv last Monday were for tub butter lOtfljUc.
per 5 Eb boxes laltcper print 14S)15c. per lb: ejrra Mc.perdoz,: potatoes old 4050c. per bushel: new potatoes, S1.00 per bush. beans. 83) SI per bushel beef by the side 4H(a 6c.
ner lb: rouud hop. 4H0J6c. per chickens 10 12c. per fowls sgiiuc. per unwasueu wwui 12VD17C per pound.
pe(An i ne mantel tor nour wbubuuui Mhnrtsv. Ptcar snrtnir wheat was ouotod at S3.85; straieht. S3.7a$4; patent. 4.70(it.r,115; clear wluterwheat.S4.10J4.35; straight, 4.15&S4.50: patent, S4.75S.35- Corn was stronger, and track steamer yeuow was quoiea ai Tawni" easier, and track fancy clipped were quoted at 27fgi r.o.ira fm hAof vim firm in Boston last Monday. Choice wasquoted at goon.
7f; light, 7'7; lambs, 8fe9: muttons, 89; veals? The market for butter was steady in Boston last Monday. Creamery was quoted at 153154 and fiHirv 14a 5. Cheese was nrmer ana rouna kvs vclc auoted at Eggs were steady and were quoted at 12f5)is. Potatoes were steady aud were quoted at rue marnei ior reuueu augm ton lagt Monilav. American was quoted at 5c.
and Revere 4 16-16e. "GARMENTS MADE AS THEY SHOULD BE' By Woolson are all the go because thev ought to be. Our sum mer Suits present a dressiness an their own that is the happy result of artistic workmanship and superior materials. We know what to make up and now to do it. rasnion is fully described to the eye in every garment we produce.
Our suits are bright pictures of current styles, and every picture is a photograph for accuracy. Our record as tailors is one of unbroken success for forty-one years in Montpelier. This statement finds proof in the satisfaction of our customers. New styles of Woolens for fall and winter wear, just received, bought before the late advance caused by the new tariff an early order will save you from two to five dollars on a suit. NOTICE.
Ihclr rsllroad office Id the city of Ner. Thursday, Uie 261b day of Auguit, lli. at I clock To choose Ore directors for the eusolnn yberond. To receive mud Mtnpot the report, of "VlnrdT To transact any ether traalDesa that may come levally before the meelliur. Per order of th.
directors, y0- City of Montpelier. Aiurust M). 1- WBIGHTSTILLE WBlTXtt8. Mr. Gordon's horse died last week Tuesday from inflammation ot the bowels.
Jerome Gould and wn Harry, of Spring-flWt, are vlsitlog hU parents. Mlsa Annie Brown, of Kew Tor. visited Mr. and Mrs. E.
Dillon last Wednesday. Miss Laura Colt and ner sister Araiwll of Boston, are visiting tbelr parents and others In the place. this week of Stamped Lin all suit 10 for one year would buy nearly 20 barrels of flour at present prices Several of our customers have saved the price of a good wheel from the regular daily expenses in a few months. There is a Scheme That is sometimes tried, cutting prices 011 a few things to attract attention, and getting high prices for the rest. It doesn't work well with people who are posted.
Our plan of Uniformly low Prices best. MarTin 40 and 42 MAIN ST. A High Entertainments For an Admission ot $11 Do Yon Want Tim i in irnurdniinr either to the can vasser's or to Mr. Geo. K.
Ehle, at his book store, during ine present weea. Twice as Many, and Twice as Good t. ir ttat. hftinw. some of which are worth the dollar charged ior the entire course.
Reserved Seats 15c. Each. The option of the above talent, with datas, will only hold good for a few days. Every scat in the Opera House must he sold to come out even. na The canvass made in the last two days would seem to ensure the success of the course.
REMEMBER Only as many tickets can be sold as there are seats in the Opera House. Three Cigars 25 cents a day Makes $91.25 a year or nearly enoutrh to oav the annual pi em ium on a five thousand dollar life rjolicv. at age thirty. Few men ever figure this out. Seems wicked for some to smoke so much and carry so little insur ance.
Your wife thinks of it if she don't speak about it. The Best Insurance iu tup WORLD." NATIONAL' LI FE I NSURAFOE Montpelier, Vt. ASSETS, S. 8. ItALLlltD, General Agent, suit BlHBE, VT UNION MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE GO.
IKotice of Assessments. MntiAo tc liorohv avpn that, assessments have been made by tlie Directors of the Union Mutual Fire Insurance Company on all premium notes (riven by members of the said company, in force on the dates named as follows: September 1. ISM. per cent. November 1, 1896, per cent, December, 1, per cent.
January 1 1i7, '4 per cent. February March April May June 1, mfty per cent. 1, 1897, 4 ler rent, 1, 1897, per cent. 1, 197, percent. 1.
1897, pr cent. 1, 1897, per cent. July Tho anmn linp and navable at the office of the Company in Montpelier, September 10, 1897. HARLAN W. KEMP, Treasurer.
38-40 VERMONT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. IVotlce or Asseaaments for 1697. The members of the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance Company are hereby notjtied that the following assessments have been made by the Directors on all notes in force on tlie following days, to wit: August 15, 1896, 1 4 per cent. September 2, 1896, 1-4 per cent. September 25, 1896, 1-4 per cent, Octotter 15.
1W6. 1-4 per cent. November iu. i- per November December January January Kcbruary March March April May June July 25, 196, 1-4 per cent. 15, 1896.
1-4 per cent. 6, 1897, 1 4 percent. 28. 197. 1-4 per cent.
15, 1897, 1-1 per cent. 1. 1-4 per cent. 15. 1k97, 1-4 per cent.
Ifi. 1897, 1-4 percent. 15. 1897, 1-4 per cent. 16, 18y7.
1-4 per cent. 5, 1897, 1-4 per cent. Making 4 per cent. For the year ending August 1, 1897, to be paid to the Treasurer ai nisornccin ouiptucr vn vt- vcjvi first day of September 1897. Members will find in the hands of the atfent of the Company a schedule showlujr the amount of the aa- UUl- IIUI11 Wll 1 pony's receipt therefor and they are particularly re- mm tllllt t.hlr HHWIMtientH ITU a(i Wtltn due.
If DCKlecU4 it will necessitate nutlce dirext from the office and additional expense to Ihe assured in postage and interest. WILLIAM T. DEWEY, Treasurer, Man trailer. Aueust 2. 197.
38 40 Assignee's Motlce. STATE OF VERMONT, Washington District, ss, In the matter of the Monlpeller Hardware Com panv. Insolvent ueniur. Tt whom it MAY (ION( KKN Tlie underBlirn ed hereby (rives not Ira of his apiwlntmeiit as nf (in. futatf nf iln' Mntittif Maniware acorijoratlon duty ornaniid umfer the laws of the Slate of Vermont, haviujr its principal office In Berlin.
In said district. baring iMeti adjuilKed an in solvent debtor on tbe petition oi lis creditors. Monlpeller, aukusi 29 THOMAS J. DEAVITT, Assignee. Petition oi Insolvency.
f-ITATK OK VKRMOKT, l.oun OI limoi- Ollislrlct of Washington. vericy. In Uie matter of Benjamin P. White, Insolvent TAKE NOTICE, that a petition for adjudication of Insolvency was Died In this court ty Beujacuui i-. Ihe 6tii day of AuKiist, A.
1). 1197. at tbe Probsts ofllce In Montpelier. ln said uisinci, auu umj meetlnf 01 his crwuiors win oe ueiu i solveo'y. at said Probate office In Montpelier.
oi aum.i,!. A. ft. WlT. at 10 o'click a.
m. to prove tlielr debts, and to choose one or more asslirnees of his estate; and that the payment of any debt, and Uie delivery of any property belotur-iJ tn nld debtor, to hlin or for his use. and Uie transfer of any prorty hy him, are forbidden by Dated at Montpelier, this Slh day of August, A.D, ii" HIRAM CARI.ETOS. Judge. Estate ot Winifred I.U.L of,a..
beH st Monlpeller, nr. 4i.tHet on the Kith day of August, A II. 17. Jaiiu W. Brora.
srtinlnlstrstttr of ihe estate of Winifred laie oi (u uluilujslrailon areotiot fol eiuunluatlon mi,, tallon for a decree "1 dlwtrll.uMon auo lanuioDoi nf said deceased. Whereooon It 1. or dered! by eald court uwi ppucaiion or held at the Probale omce iu uu 2Mth day of August. A. I.
17, for hejirltig and thereon "and 111. further or.ler.-d. that notice liereof tie given lo an person, tlon of the aauie three wees pct.ively In neller previous Ui said time appointed Ior liearlng, .1 ukl time and place, and sliuw cause, if any tiiey may have, why aaM acornnt. auouid sot be altoweo, auu mw By tbetmrt. Attest.
(Ml II ISAM CABI.ETOS. Ju-Uce. win.iAsTowr WinsfEaa. Gsorire (iooilrleh nil mother were at Cor Intli last Sunday. C.
M. Beaver and Mrs. 1. M. Beavar were In Corttiln last bunflay.
The Dand playe.1 at Barre last Saturday tor te tlltn (jordoti picnic ou rsirmounl irk. A son wels-tilng ellit pou noro i Mr. aud Mr.uois. 1..,.. ttlmnn.
nf P.WtDCiet. SO by her arotber and wlf, 1. visit log in town. ntilml Dorr IlolIU 1 workluK for to" Wuelr. rs.
Crser, ho has been TlsitiBg at George has gone John learlna; 1. doln a Job of repairing false la BrtKiansld. Mrt.eoie Bixby has li mil left htt cmiuiea wjvu Burnbam, tbelr grandlather. SbBin 21 qacBily bold the trophy. The line up of the tenia.
a3 riurns club, goal, Hust; i acas, DlcSie and McMurray; half backs, Sherris, Biroie, Duff; loiwatds, Booth, Allen, Jopp, Hondas aud Davidson. Clan Gordon, goal, (i.ii; backs, Lamont ami Cbessor; half McWtlliRllirt. Cumnheil. for. wstsj.T.
Brock, Barton, Heed, Calder and A. w- iiaiuea tunica acted as reteree ana AIp3- Hauton and Hubert Shaw as linesmen. TBelubUion base ball game between tbe Batft ana Uurlingion league teaniB was won by turliDgtou by a score of 15 to 12. Bane's battfry wa8 Austin, Uuzleton and Kelly. While Melior aud Agon were In the points for VurliogtOD.
All the members ol the board ol aldermen weiepreaeniatlast week's meeting of the city-council. President Thurston presided. A cointuuuication was read iroui the city attorney transmitting tbe $10,000 bona of tne Barre and Montpelier Traction and Power company. The communication stated that tbe sumties on the bond were good and upon motion of Alderman Cutler the bond was accepted. A communication was received Iron'the mayor recommending that A.
D. Morse, E. L. Smith aud C. Currier beap-pointed a committee to investigate the ad- vi-aoilHy uf purchasiug the system of the Barra Water company and report to the ooaru.
a oaiiot was taken ana tne appointees were confirmed. A commuuica-tlnu was received from the citv attornev re iterating bis opinion that the aldermen Dad the right to fii tbelr own salaries, and pro testing aealnst tbe calling ot a city meeting lor that purpose. Jt was accompanied by a reuort of tlie committee on salaries, reoom- mendlng that the report be accepted and adopted, aud this was done. Upon recom mendation of the inspector of buildings per mits were granteu to u. Tiiwiug to rwum irlt hound nn Saminarv street: K.
Carte, addition on Third street; E. L. Dens-more, bam on Pleasant street. Tbe matter of tue city farm was brought up and discussed at some lenlrlb. Amotion was made by Alderman McFarland that tbe city put some family on the farm and furnish material, under the direction of tbe overseer of the poor, aim that tne city council DaiioL inioriu- nllv unon the nnnitiS nresenteil.
and W. L. Geo-fve was chosen. A resolution was then adofAed, iustructing the overseer of tbe poor toilriiw nn a contract with Mr. George.
An other resolutioD was adopted instructing the property committee to make necessary repairs on the city farm. The supply commit tee, to whom was referred tbe matter oi ati-ditiunal lurniture for the Doat-office. report- edauda resolution was adopted autborizine tbe purchase of one letter press table, carriers' wardrobe, roll top desk and stamping table, the cost not to exoeea uu. ne uumu then nHinlirnMl to WfrinentlAV evening. Wben it again met and approved a large number of onto, luesireei commiooioueia urnuo io-TTf In TAlntlnn tn thn numbering Of tbe ut-cuw hum tim renort.
was accented and The hoard then adiourned. The street commissioners then met with Messrs Huse and llowland, attorneys, Mr. Nash, en DnnUr flnrl Mnmll. Of tlie TUilwaV OOI1 strnction company. There was a discussion in ralatinn tnlha Innfltinn nf tlie Btreet ratl- w.v.
hnt no nnnclnsinn was arrived at. Tbe nl.n nl (rlnir rtvpr the lull east of the "dug hv Mavor Gordon aud the commissioners and tbe railway people said that they would loos; tne maiwi NOHTHFIELD NOTES. Mi Minnie Smith was in Burlington last Wednesday Miss Gertrude Dunham la visiting relatives in Worcester Mri.L.A.and Miss Maud Howe went oil Tueaflay to isosion. -Wtnrer fiartv went this weea to -Berlii D4 tor a lew aays. add and Ned Harvey went to mus week with Company i F.
Stebbins came home last Satnr- Kel lowa alia. gatet part oi last weeic in MoMahon was at her home in 1 ier last week tor a stay of two day a. Vance Waterman, ot Burlington, has been pendins: the past week with Arthur An drews. Thfe monMilv tAmnAranee meetiuer Inst Sun day even ilia waa addressed by Rev. L.
P. xuoier. Bar. L. P.Tucker and wife came home last Friday from their atay of a month at Lake Morey in Fairlee.
Bert Waterman, of Burlinmon. was a truest of tf R. Andrews, in Nortntle.d, last Wednesday and Thursday. V. W.
Wrieht is recoverlne from bis re- cent Illness, and will be back at his work wltblu a few days. The school house 1b comoletel reno vated and fumigated to destroy every possible diphtheria germ. Rav. Mr. Smith and wife, of Maiden.
areyisiting at the home of Mrs. Joel Winch, wno ia jar. bmuu'a sister. Tbe Universalist house has been newly carpeted, and the seats newly cushioned, BDd put in thoroughly good repair. Piesidinflf Elder L.
L. Beenian occupied the lletbodist pulpit last Sunday iroiuing at wuiuu time commuion was served. Bradford Sylvester and wife, of St. Albans, were called last week to Northfleld by the critical illness of Mr. Sylvester's mother.
Dutton Richmond have had a room fin ished off iu the basem*nt of their store and are put In it a stock of boots and shoes. Porter and wife and Miss Carrie, their daughter, started last Wednesday for a two wees' carriage dnv through nortuern Vermont? C-9 Richmond and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Abel Knapp, their guests, went to the Fays-ton slide lor a family picnic one day last week. IUisb Julia A.
Boland was up from Boston last week and made a brief visit to her mother, who has been quite ill, going back last Monday morning. CHarles W. Silver, ot Greensboro Bend, was in Northfleld last week to set a monument in Elm wood cemetery for a family which for merly nved at the Center. A partv composed of Mr. and Mtb.
Levi Cross, f. a. Dutton and Misses Hattie Mayo and Uiete or ham drove last Saturday to Fayatoa to see the landslide. H.C.Cady and Editor F. N.
Whitney went to Isle La Motte last Friday for the Fish and Game league banquet. Mr. Whitney stopped in Burlington on his way back for a siort stay. Services were held up stairs In the Universalis! bouse laBt Sunday morninc. though the repairs were not quite complete, but it is ex- pecieu lu nave evervtning aone dcioio uen Mrs.
fivlvAHtar. who has made her home with Mrs. J. H. Winch, her daughter, for some ume, was tafeen critically in tne nrsb oi iast wees ana aay alter aay appeuieu tu be at thu point of death.
Herman Woodbury came home last week from Lowell. and last Monday report ed tor duty as a Central Vermont conductor at St. Albans. He was formerly a conductor on a local freight through Nortlineld. Tiie ProiectoscoDe entertainment last Frl day and Saturday evenintrs under tbe aus pices of the band was fairly well attended and well enjoyed.
The features were good ana me enects pleasing. Au arc lamp es pecimy for the occasion waa put in at Con cert hall by Electrician fl anion. Eil. Dohenev. the well known base ball plavr, was operated on last week for fistula by Dr.
Mayo. His condition, which was growing worse before the operation, is now much better, and he expects to go this week to NtjW Ynrtr. to rt-nnrt fur flm with tho K'av York base ball team, though he will not be amo in ay pan ior a tew days at least. Fotir new cases of diphtheria have been re portwi in town during the past week. They rj ii i laiiiB au nine-monins-oid child ason uiaonn sueehan, ot King street, and Ann'iue miller, who lives in John Davis' family- The casus were none of the masse vereae those previously reported and at last aceuuuM.
an me victims were doing well. Company left last Monday forenoon for ine muster at Chester this week The company went with Companies ot Barra, and of Montpelier, on a special tralB for Bellows Falls. There wai-aM men the lull number in tbe company, and its ieen eral condition is thought to be above the average. The company will probably be uwi. ooiui tiny morning, not delayed In transit.
Aieamowned by Waldo Plastridge was uwui ui rreu iones store last rri day.wnen the animal was taken with blind atagKert and tumbled over against another antiffti standing beside it. The shafts of the waon were broken and the harness was badirtorn up. ihe other horee which was VJ cuojpieie soraertanit, hut landed I i nam age- ine animal tiitB had the Staiiiiers wh hirt Uv Worcester and after a short time waa able to gei oe iea away. team came over from Brook neio i Saturday to move the Geary farui jy-8 bousehold goods to Brookfleld. The wag.
on been fully loaded wnen the horses, tireaoi waiting, started on a run. Tn rfln toFrwik Honslnn'si nlaM JampUu fence Into bis field. As they went on, wan left by the roadside. The uui iHjarea ana only a few art! cies lt. urnuure which had fallen off were jt3u, waa aiso toe harnesa.
vo- HoRpol and at G. tbe in Mrs. William Anthony and granddaughter of Kev. ti i.eushman was nrougm on ruesoay from Providence, R. and burled in Green Mount cemetery.
Mrs. Ida Reed suffered a Bhock the first ot last week and last Wednesday she was taken to the hospital In a condition that was considered critical. She bas since then considerably improved. Leo A. Newcomb Is enjoying a two weeks vacation from bis duties at A.E.
Nlles ft store, and is at bis home in Waterbury tbis week. Next week he will visit Canada and the maritime provinces. Mr. and Mrs. George H.L'Heureux and lam-liv.
of Brooklyn. N. arrived in the city last Thursday, and are guests at the home of Air. ana juts. W.
xerapie, tne laiier oeing sister of Mrs. L'Heureux. W. A. Shay was bitten ln tbe left arm last Wednesday by a dog owned oy Jaca rowers.
The tniinal was not vicious and playfully seized Mr. Shay by tbe arm, but with a grip that was far from pleasant. George R. and Archie JECble and E. A.
Nutt were the only ones who went from bere to Fort Ethan Allen last Wednesday, to witness the review of the United States troops there by President McKlnley and suite. The Argus and Patriot received a letter on Tuesday announcing the marriage on Autfuat 5 at the Adams bouse. Boston, bv Rev. J. T.
Lusk, of Edwin Lane, of this city, and Airs, ma xoru, oi Hastings, iseo. Tbe Montpelier public schools are without an instructor in drawing for the fall term, as Miss Emma Dana is not to return to the city for the coming year. It has not been decided whether or not to hire another teacher. Rev. S.
H. Crooker, of Troy, N.Y., who occupied the pulpit of the "Church of tbe last Sunday, is to preach there again next Sunday morning, and also ln the Morse school house, East Montpelier, at 2:15 M. The Young Men's Christian association gymnasium Is closed for the month of August owing to the hot weather, but ln he mean, time plans will be made lor tbe work of the fall aud winter. The batb roons are still open. Christ Chnrch Sunday school will bold its ic tonay.
ine reaoners, senoiars asaeoiDie at tne pan so Mwifi Ul'n'UiU piutliy jjuh M.S.Davis was brought home last Satur day from the insane asylum at Waterbury. Tbe Improvement ln bis case has continued, and it ts now thought that ne is an rignt meniaiiy, tuougn nis paysicai conuixiou ib precarious. Street Commissioner Roberts bas bad a deep trench dug along tbe center ot tbe mud diest part ot Loom is street ana tne ireuca filled with crushed stone in tbe hope tbe drainage will be enough improved to elimi nate tne mua. A small but verv intelligent monkev. owned bv Jack Powers, has been on exhibition tbe nast week at xerriii co.
arug store The little animal shows more than human Intelligence by an unconquerable aversion to cigarette smoae. Misses Fanny Knapp, Ethel Blanpled and Mary Macomber, accompanied by George Macomber. started on Tuesday for a carriage drive through north-eastern Vermont and as tar as suerbrooke. r. u.
xuey win oe rd sent two weeks. T. J. Boynton is again ln tbe oily this week and will at ouce begin suits against the own er- oi stoca ln tne aeiunct sioui in an on ai bank of Sioux Citv. wbo bave refused pay the assessment levied by the comptroller oi tne currency.
Harrison avenue Is being opened up its en tire length through tbe valley north of tbe Heaton hospital grounds, a street was laid out there a number of years ago, but It was never mane passaoie except ior a snort ais-tance at either end. Mrs. George C. Sbeoard. of Cleveland.
O. widow ot the late well known banker and financier of this city was a guest of ber many old friends in montpelier during tne past week. She waa acoompanied by Air. and Mrs. A.
A. Pope. There was a bearing in tbe court of chan cerv before Judge Rowell here last week1, at which time an injunction was granted against E. J. Gale, of Barre, restraining him irom selling liquor at tne city uotei, oi which he is the proprietor.
Local horsem*n take pride in tbe perform ance of tbe horse "Maggie owned by George and Arthur Felt, which won first money mine iree-ior-au race at wuiLeueiu N. last weea. She was driven by Arthur Felt, who bas been training ner. Bailey's milk team on Tuesday evening ran frcm Main street to Baiiey avenue where It was stopped by a pedestrian. Tbe only damage was to the corner of a milk can.
which was run over Dy an amoiuous news paper correspondent on a bicycle. Joseph Pelican was again before Judge Smilie in city court last Thursday. This time he was charged with assault on tbe redoubtable "Chin" Davis. Joseph pleaded guilty and was fined 2 and costs. He was arrested by Special Officer Wblttler.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dewey and MIbs Mary Dewey went last Monday to Randolph Cen ter to spend a week or more, as they are ae customed to do each summer. Mrs. W.
Dewey and sons James and Master Maurice are aiso spending tuis wees in itanooipn. Tbe past two weeks bave been the busiest on record at the Heaton hospital with 12 natients there for treatment a part of the time. It will soon be necessary to add more beds ln tbe wards. There Is room for at least Ave more than the present number, which is 15. D.N.
Richardson, editor of tbe Davenport, Democrat, was a visitor in the city last Monday, being in the east on a visit to rela tives. He ts to go to New York in a few days to visit his oaugnter, and win men prooaoiy return to Vermout, going abroad later in tbe season. 'Dick" Standisn and Burke Smith went to Plalnfield on Tuesday with a base hall team from Morrlsville, to assist tbe visitors In annihilating tbe home team. "Dick" wore his brother Miles New ion league uniform and was the cynosure or an eyes oi tne fiain field fans. W.
J. Strong, of Sioux City, attorney for the receiver of tbe Iowa State savings bank, was bere on Tuesday, looking up the local owners of siock In that Institution, wbo have failed to pay tbe assessment of 100 cents on a dollar. Fifty thousand dollars worth of stock is held ln tbe otate. VX. A.
litlltUwIUrtHll, 11J DID agent of the Massachusetts State board of sl H-IavoKak, education, was the speaker at tbe Young Men's Christian association men's meeting last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Fletcher is one of the instructors at the Randolph summer school now in session. W. P.
Manley, president ot tbe Security national bank at Sioux City, I one of tbe few national banks that bave weathered the financial storms of that city, waa a visitor In Montpelier ibis week. His father lives at West Rutland and Mr. Manley is east on a combined business and pleasure trip. T.J. ell 1 her A Co.
bave bad tbe brick iae-Ines removed from the building thev recent- lv Dorchased near ttae Montnelier and Wells Kiver raumaa station, ano me irame ana re mainder of tbe building will be moved to its new location several rods farther back on the river bank, after which tbe brick will be re placed. The case ot Thomas Brazor against H. Skinner, details of which were given ln the akuus asi Patriot last week, was tried before Justice Wheelock at East Montpelier last Wednesday, and resulted in a verdict lor Mr. Skinner, tbe defendant. F.
L- Laird appeared for Mr. Skinner and John G. Wing for ur. razor. Troon Captain Dodd commander.
United Slates cavalry, passed through Montpelier lat Saturday morning on its way from Fort Ethan Alien to roniann, aie to attend tne New England fair. Tbe troop waa tocom Dan ted bv ambulances, provision wagons, and will be on the road, going and ooui- lUK.aoouisix ween. Tbe rainfall during tbe month of Jul Just nasi was inches, me greatest oi any month during tbe past 14 years. Tbe average rainfall for July is inches, the rainfall lor liny, June and July tut vear amounted to 19.11 Incbeo. three tltuea Ibc mntl amount.
Tbe number of wuollV clear days in Honipcuer was oniy lour. 8 her Iff Collins and deputies made three raids in the city last week, the total result of which was two bottles of "two per cent. beer. The places visited are those kept by W. W.
oye and Mosea Demo on ttcrtool street, and Jack Powers stand in Reed block. At the latter place there was nobody at home ana no searcn was man a. Wallace Hay ford bas lnstltnted proceed-inirs aealnst William Kiley, bar wing bim with assault on Mr. Haytord's young son. Mr.
Kiley is aaia to nave oauguc id boy some petty misdemeanor and to have ad more than save your Outliving Time. Quality in workmanship and reasonableness in prices are foundation stones on which we are building our business. Unreliable watches are worse than no watches. Low prices mean nothing without quality. We solicit your trade on the foundation stones on which we first started to build business.
Fine Repairing A Specialty. Especial attention given to fitting the eyes with spectacles by a competent optician. A. C. STONE, Corner Main and State Sts.
If You are Wise Use The Best Flour. Brooks Berry, Sole Agent, Montpelier. Liberation Notice. I have this day given my son. Arthur Bill, his free dom for the renjalud'-r of his minority, and stisll claim noB of lita tarulnga sod pay none of hla blila after this date, i nii.r., Mlddleseg, VU, sag, 1H97.
HievniHr. I.AK.-FoM alKJUt Hum HI' It Htl.l) wlUi MAI'tf-W lien to go. How to go. Wbat t.1 take with Statement, of Miners Just returned. Prh-e Ui A.ddrCH, r.
CAMUlrl.rv r-. S1YIITH, Bnccor lo NMITII Of Hot Wfiillier, OuiitiK anil Hicyclin Mtit.liini. Look at these prices. Bioyolo and Golf Clothing. 110.00 suits keel 7.H0 5.00 1.75 (itilf 1 lose J.
CO 1.00 .50 5.75 1.00 1.25 1.00 .71) .11 Crash tl.OO Liiii'ii C'niRli Suits, 3.00 2.75 1.50 5.00 coat 9 vi'Hts, 2.00 I'llllHftH, 1.10 Uit yclcHuits, 1.1X1 About twenty pairs of Wliitc Illicit TlOIHiDIH, Mil (ll(llit il'H, to rlohe out, t-fiitN. The l.aiiiHon lluliliiirtl Fall Stylo Still' Hat will bu on sale Monday, August Itltli. THE CLOTHIER, OO State Street. HOUSEKEEPING must be satisfactory to lie acceptable. The table ia the cornerstone of domestic happiness, and certainly half the charm of even a least lies in the pastry.
Every one knows that fine pastry is a matter of extra quality Hour, and that our pastry flour beats everything and anything elsewhere in Montpelier. We'll back it against all comers as well as everything else in our large stock of groceries, staple and fancy, at short prices. C. H. FERRIN, t.HOLK.
HI VT. Have You Tried THE BEST CRADES OF STOCK AND WORK IN Tin and Iron Roofing, Eave Spout and Cutter Work arc found at low prices at BARROWS PECK'S ALSO SOLE ACENTS FOR The Celebrated Co." Furnaces Call and get Prices before Buying Coodt In this Line. The 'IIathawayM 3Iuslin Underwear or the "It Corsets They ill please you. SPECIAL SALE ens at one-half the tormer prices. BARCAIN DAY EVERY FRIDAY.